Juggling Balls for Beginners

I have come across enough people over the years to recognise that there are some people who, given the opportunity, would like to try their hand at juggling. Juggling is certainly a fun and challenging activity that has both physiological and mental benefits.

By "juggling", I mean the rhythmic tossing and catching of 3 balls with both hands. There is a name for this pattern: Three-Ball Cascade.

Sometimes I am asked what type of juggling balls would be suitable for a beginner. There are several types of juggling balls made specifically for juggling. For example, juggling balls could be soft or firm, small or large in diameter, or they could be hollow or filled or solid spheres.

For beginners, a juggling ball should feel comfortable right away when the ball is held in the hand. The ball should not feel too light (a tennis ball is not the best ball for a beginning juggler to use because it feels too light). The beginner should be able to sense the weight of the balls in his or her hands, so that each ball can be tossed and caught in a controlled manner. The diameter of the ball should also not be too large; jugglers need to be able to hold at least two balls comfortably in either hand.

Readers of this blog who are considering learning to juggle might find a suitable Juggling Beanball (beanbag) at this website:


Happy Juggling!



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